
Written by Typographica on May 10, 2004

P22 is holding a pangram contest and Typophile’s two-year-old list of pangrams continues to grow.

See also: Simonson-Assisted Pangramming


  1. I have to say I am highly impressed with the quality of entries to our contest. There are some really amazing ones coming in. I will probably post them and let site visitors vote on them.

    Can anyone suggest a good online voting javascript for “a lot” of choices?

  2. Hrant says:

    Alphabetic pangrams – the next frontier…


  3. That’s pretty amazing, Hrant. I’m not sure I understand what it means, though.

  4. Hrant says:

    It’s about an abacus user who takes over a studio and eyes a former yakuza while doing it. :-)

    Here’s a variant containing an homage to the classic “quick brown fox …”, which I think is still very hard to beat:

    “Abacist’s deaf dog hijacked luminous
    parquetry studio, avows ex-yakuza.”

    BTW, a yakuza is like a Japanese gangster. So the oriental theme both starts and finishes the pangram.


  5. Hrant says:

    I got 9th in the P22 pangram contest – yay!
    Some of those entries were pretty amazing.


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