Typeface Review

FF Milo

Reviewed by Cheshire Isaacs on July 11, 2007

Just recently I’d been poring over sans families, trying to find just the right one to freshen up my theatre company’s typography. It needed to be compact yet readable, personable yet sophisticated, and have its own identity yet be able to recede when necessary. It also needed to work as well on a poster as it does across a 32-page program.

After looking at many options, we chose FF Kievit. Now here’s FF Milo, with the same qualities to recommend it, and wouldn’t you know, it’s by the same designer: San Francisco-based Michael Abbink. It’s like a more modern, more square Gill Sans. The legs and tails (e.g., roman ‘K’ and ‘R’, italic ‘h’, ‘k’, ‘m’, ‘n’, and ‘x’) have personality without dominating the design. Anyone searching for a versatile sans would likely be very happy with FF Milo.

Cheshire Isaacs, an art director and writer who also shoots photos and video, lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and daughter.

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