Lakeside is the perfect marriage of design to name, and that is the least of its great qualities.
It’s ambitious. Making a connecting script is not the easiest thing, let alone with so many options. Some people use ambitious as a euphemism for “falls short of its lofty goal”, but this typeface is successful at accomplishing exactly what it intends. It’s relaxed, yet elegant. Looking at it, I am transported back to this past summer, hiking to a secluded spot on the banks of Walden Pond. It’s the kind of typeface a discerning designer would buy first, and then let the right project come to them. Like they were watching a wave hit the shore of a lake on a beautiful day.
Why is the quotation mark a belt? It should be a hat, not a belt.
I think the placement of the quotation mark is appropriate given the x-height of the typeface. Quotes at cap height would feel far too high in relation to the word or phrase as a whole.