New Fonts of Note

Written by Typographica on September 8, 2004

  • Cressida NF – a multilinear wonder by Nick Curtis.
  • Cigar Label and Campaign – by the Ringmaster of Antiquated Novelty: Dan X. Solo.
  • Ed Rogers – digitized by the originators of famous artist handwriting fonts: P22.
  • Neo Sans – the latest poster child for “clean and modern” and the best thing to come out of Agfa Monotype in quite some time.
  • Ballpark Script – packed with underline swashes and put to fine use in the Jul/Aug I.D. magazine. [CORRECTION: The I.D. script is not Ballpark but a similar font by Design Director Nico Schweizer.] One of many great nostalgia-soaked fonts at Letterhead, like Euphoria (but I admit that makes the cut due to The Dancing Cat).
  • Geetype and Houschka – actually not new, but probably new to most Yanks as Nick Cooke’s stuff was previously only available from UK-based Fontworks. I used Geetype in the (outdated) rollover maps at my other place.
  • Metron – František Štorm revives a disappearing Czech transit face. Thanks Rolf.
  • FF Legato – a sans for text that changes many of the rules defining character shapes and legibility. Read up and witness history!


  1. NeoSans shares a lot of stylistic elements growing in recent works, like Fabrizio Schiavi’s Sys, Hans Reichel’s Dax, Miles Newlyn’s Modena (the corporate face for Hutchinson/Tre) , and some work (even unreleased) I’ve seen from Psy-Ops and Simon Schmidt. And a lot of others I don’t remind (my apologies!).
    It seems the spirit of the times is taking on more homogeneous forms. And this time Lester has produced a stronger and personal thing, melding pretty well all possible influences.

    I’m now sure you need to use a typeface to judge how good it may work, anyway. In general, I mean.

  2. Cressida, among Curtis semi-revivals, seems the one really original. I like it. And Legato does not need praises. It will earn its own users without so much effort, in many fields. :)

  3. Armin says:

    Ballpark Script looked amazing in ID, it just as well could look awful in some baseball magazineďż˝

    And those swashesďż˝ yum!

  4. Miss Tiffany says:

    Ballpark Script, formerly known as Pilsner Script, is a great typeface. I was worried that they had added or updated the typeface, but they haven’t. So if anyone else thinks they need to re-license or ask for an update they don’t.

  5. Thanks for the clarification, Tiff. I noticed they are opting for more family-friendly names. Cigar Shop is now Rawson & Evans.

  6. Rolf says:

    Yes, Legato is just great. Luv it.
    Metron is quite a nice ‘revival’ if you ask me.

    Well, wish I could add some usefull info or thoughts on the other mentioned typefaces, but must first look at em ;)

  7. Hrant says:

    I hope Legato doesn’t get used as much as it gets studied.


  8. Hmm, I think i just fell in love with ‘Geetype’.. :)
    Lovely Vintage Advertising Memories.. :)

    And, ‘Metron’ is breathtaking..
    Czech type at its finest..

  9. Re.: ‘Metron’..
    There is an whole issue ( Issue 8 / PDF ), of ‘TYPO‘ ( ), dedicated to Underground Typography, the Prague Metro and Jiřďż˝ Rathouskďż˝s original typeface.. ( See and read for your self.. A recommendation.. :)

  10. Nico Schweizer says:

    Just a small correction…
    The font used in the Annual Design Review 04 issue of I.D. magazine was not ‘Ballpark Script’, but rather a yet unnamed, rough script font beta version based on original wood blocks (currently not commercially available yet) which in my opinion has a slightly more decorative, elegant and relaxed feel than ‘Ballpark/Pilsner’.

  11. Ouch. I’m ashamed for the mis-ID. And to think I get on the case of anyone as careless. Awful.

    Thank you for the correction, Nico. May we look forward to seeing it at Lineto?

  12. Just discovered that the similar URW Philly Sport Script is also available.

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