Right now, in conjunction with the opening of TYPO Berlin, Typeradio is live. The Underware boys continue to innovate.
Update, May 16: The Typeradio broadcast is over. The site announces archives will be available and there will be another broadcast soon.
I’m tuned in and will provide sporadic commentary as the program airs. I hope you’ll join me.
Currently, the format seems to be rambling graphic design pep talks from Willem de Ridder (a name I don’t know but apparently he’s “world famous in The Netherlands.”) staggered with downtempo electronica spun by “DJ Donald” who I can assume is Donald Beekman, known for his FontFonts.
I’m sure, Stephen, what we listen is an imitation of Robert Bringhurst last year ATypI Vancouver lecture!
Also, if you’re on AIM/iChat give elbowgreaser a nudge and I’ll add you to our Typeradio chat.
Now, the program sound completly crazy!! ahahah, like a “dadaiste” experience or what? They test voice kerns perhaps?
JFP speaks of avant garde poet Michael Masinski who was on with radio host Martin Spinelli. It was fairly interesting, but I was more impressed with the author’s performance than the poetry or thoughts behind it.
I think the real typography meat will come later today when Spiekermann, Bringhurst, and House are on.
Stream Status: OFF
It went down about an hour ago. I’ll post again when it’s back up.
Stream Status: ON
Connection went live again in the last 10 minutes and Spiekermann is on being chummy.
Listening to Erik answer questions, JFP and I thought this program would be even better if it were a call-in show.
Erik say about his blog: “its bit ugly”
I’m hoping someone records this as the site seems to be
overloaded. Bummer
Yeah, it’s very unstable. I’ve recorded what I can get, but I have a feeling they will replay the juicy bits again.
I have a hunch they won’t.
BTW, is there anybody trying to listen using Winamp? Even when their end is up, I can’t get it to work.
Thankfully according to the schedule the content is going to be looping all night long and into tomorrow. I guess my evening is planned
Stream Status: ON
And playing Arling and Cameron. Hot.
I really hope there will be a recording of this floating around sometime. I will make a torrent of it and seed it for a long while if anyone is able to provide me with a recording. I have attempted to connect multiple times and have been plagued with buffering problems despite the fact that I have set my buffer up as large as it will go. sigh. I really don’t want to miss this.
Oop, I supplied a faulty email address earlier, sorry about that. Please contact me with the one listed on this post if you have a recording you wish me to host as a torrent.
I just got it to work, by entering the direct URL (http://freeteam.nl:9000/typeradio) into Winamp.
(Thanks to Peter Bruhn!)
Because their online schedule seems to be out of sync I’ll go ahead and state what’s on right now: Hans Reichel, designer of FF Dax.
> �its bit ugly�
Actually he said “butt-ugly”! :-)
Wow, this music is really good.
Currently on: Stefan Sagmeister talking about designing CD covers and working with clients.
It struck me how little he understands type.
I missed so much on the typeradio …this evening, grrr, reload please!
but, well, St Germain des Pr�s (Paris) is not so bad too :-P
It seems to be in a loop, JFP. Just keep tuned and I think you’ll catch everything from today.
Any way for us common folk using Macs to connect?
Listening on a Mac: clicking on “Listen” at the site or doing a cmd-U in iTunes and inserting http://freeteam.nl:9000/typeradio should work — when the stream is running, that is. It’s currently offline as far as I can tell.
Or download the file on your desktop, drag it on iTunes,
et voil�
> when the stream is running
Ah, yes. I had tried both options you mentioned but I guess without stream it’d be hard. Thanks though!
> I�ve recorded what I can get, […]
> BTW, is there anybody trying to listen
> using Winamp?
I know Winamp is working for you now, but there’s also the possibility of listening it throught IE (it launches Windows Media Player inside the browser’s window).
I�ve recorded what I can get, [�]
I don’t know what Stephen is using (a tape recorder?), but there is a program called Audio Hijack that works great for this kind of thing.
Winamp can save out real-time.
Rather than futz with audio hijack, you could just download the easier (and free) WireTap. Now, if I could get a connection to this great radio show that lasted for more than 10 seconds, I would gladly record it and provide a means for folks to download it. The Underware boys are the best. They are so enthusiastic! Gotta love em’
WireTap is great, but Audio Hijack let’s you get the audio from a single running application, like iTunes. If you record with WireTap, all your system beeps and email notifications will be recorded, too.
There are a few apps on the Mac side for recording streams, but I’m using RadioRecorder, free and simple to setup.
On now: Erik van Blokland
Now: Martin Spinelli interviews “performance writer” chris cheek. (This is a different poet than the one mentioned yesterday. He’s British. And lowercased.)
It looks like the schedule at http://www.typeradio.org is accurate now, so I’ll hold off on my announcements unless it gets out of sync again.
Hi all there,
We just saw all these comments. Wow, looks like some people are really listening. Thank you.
So what was the question of the day?
Our excuses for the streaming problem yesterday. Yes we do run 12 min behind schedule at the moment, but also this should be fixed by tomorrow morning.
> So what was the question of the day?
When is this going to become a permanent broadcast? :->
I’ve just been informed that the following guests have yet to be on the broadcast. You are welcome to mail your questions for them to [email protected] or post them here.
A. Kobayashi & G. Unger
T. F. Jones & J. Hoefler
S. M�ller & C. Windlin
Jan Middendorp
BTW, I think Carter hasn’t been on yet, has he? And Spatium?
According to the schedule they were already on. Unfortunately I missed Carter this morning and the line was dead for Spatium yesterday.
If it’s like yesterday, it’s in a loop and they will come around again.
Does anybody know/remember how far into the hour Spatium actually starts? Timing is my god.
And Carter?
Wow. Every single yes/no answer I was hoping for from Carter was on. Wow.
Hehe – yeah. He often meets my expectations too. In every interview or speech.
Huh, so the story that Miedinger got nothing out of Helvetica sales (perpetuated by Peter Karow for one) is complete bull.
I realize now, Stephen, you are in Berlin?
My stupid questions:
The best typeface ever?
Sans or serif are best for continuous reading?
Names of their pets?
Prefered color?
What kind of music they listen?
Prefered dish?
Mac or Windows?
Title of their last book?
Does they like me?
et voil�, have fun :-P
> Does they like me?
No, do they love you? ;-)
So Just van Rossum does no more type?
Here is a gift for all you folks out there wishing to listen to the Matthew Carter interview while jogging with your iPod.
Matthew Carter On TypeRadio!
And as a bonus, an archived Matthew Carter Interview from 2003 that I had floating on my hard drive. (i think this is what they were babbling about at the beginning of the typeradio interview)
Matthew Carter from 2003
Cheers all! If anyone is recording the other interviews, please spread the wealth. This is great stuff!
Pod on, dude!
Thanks a lot for posting the Matthew Carter interviews, James.. Nice ones..
( As I am currently not able to listen to the TypeRadio ones, I am very thankful for these posts.. :)
Hoefler and Frere-Jones are on right now. I’m disappointed that the interviewers are not making a distinction between them before they speak. Fortunately I happen to remember Hoefler’s voice from hearing him speak at a conference, but the listeners need an occasional update on who is who.
For the benefit of those who don’t know the voices — Tobias has the deeper tone.
I didn’t know Hoefler was colorblind. What a wonderful disability for a type designer, an aesthetic profession for which distinguishing color is not vital.
So Jonathan and Tobias are still rambling on even after several suggestions that the program is over. That’s mostly a good thing. They threw in a little jab at Typographica, implying we’re the most extreme of type freaks. Awesome. Thanks Jonny.
Bas Jacobs of Underware hinted there may be another installment of Typeradio at TypeCon2004.
Peter Saville is on so I thought I’d do some googling. First result is this site. If it is indeed official, I wonder how he gets away with offering Adobe Trajan and Monotype Engravers Gothic for download.
Looks like the Trajan is an SSi clone. Don’t mean to steer away the discussion from the interview — just found it odd.
Wait, so he offers free downloads of clone fonts?! And not just Trajan either. Sheesh.
Stephen, I think that the site you posted is a fan site.. This has been discussed before, in a thread about Saville, on Typophile..
So, I dont think that there is a direct link between Saville and the mentioned site, offering type downloads..
Then somebody at TypoBerlin should ask him to tell his fans to pull the “feature”.
shesh, why don’t you ask “the fan” yourself
The Typeradio broadcast is over. The site announces archives will be available and there will be another broadcast soon.
> why don�t you ask �the fan� yourself
Obviously because I have no clout with him/them.
Thank you for the Mathew Carter Downloads. Never thought I’d have a category in iTunes called Type :)
To get some “Typeradio feeling” with “text web interviews” try iSpeak It.
“Listen to your documents on your iPod.
Take any document or web page and convert it into an MP3/AAC track in iTunes using your Mac’s built-in text-to-speech capabilities. From there it’s a quick sync to your iPod and away you go!”
Corrected link.