Other Notable Typefaces 2014

Typeface Review

Other Notable Font Releases of 2014

Reviewed by Stephen Coles on March 19, 2015

The typefaces below are among the thousands of 2014 releases that didn’t make this year’s Favorites list. Think of this collection as a sort of “editor’s picks”. These are the typefaces that I personally felt were worthy of selection — they just didn’t happen to be among the writers’ favorites.

The name of the face is followed by the designer, and then (when applicable) the name of the foundry/publisher.


Adorn  Laura Worthington
Alverata  Gerard Unger, TypeTogether
Berlingske  Jonas Hecksher, Playtype
Caponi  Miguel Reyes, Christian Schwartz, Paul Barnes, Commercial Type
Questa Project  Jos Buivenga, Martin Majoor


FF Bauer Grotesk  Thomas Ackermann, Felix Bonge, FontFont
Beausite  Yassin Baggar, Fatype
Bonnie  Artur Schmal, OurType
Brevier  Riccardo Olocco, CAST
Burlingame  Carl Crossgrove, Monotype
Darby Sans, Darby Sans Poster  Paul Barnes, Dan Milne, Commercial Type
Gabriello  Paul Barnes, Miguel Reyes, Commercial Type
Gramma  Riccardo Olocco, CAST
Graphie  Ryoichi Tsunekawa, Flat-it
Korpus Grotesk  Michael Mischler, Nik Thoenen, Binnenland
Linotte  Joël Carrouché, JCFonts
Lipa Agate  Ermin Međedović, TypeTogether
Nomada  Jordi Embodas, Tipografies
Patron  Timo Gaessner, Alexander Colby, Milieu Grotesque
Pilcrow, Pilcrow Soft  Satya Rajpurohit, ITF
Queue  Tal Leming, Type Supply
Riga  Ludwig Übele, LudwigType
Rowton Sans FY  Julien Priez, Hugo Dumont, Jérémie Hornus, Alisa Nowak, Fontyou
Signo  Rui Abreu
Spot Mono  Florian Schick, Lauri Toikka, Schick Toikka
Stereotesque  Sascha Timplan, Stereotypes
Surogat  Nikola Djurek, Typonine
Urban Grotesk  Tomáš Brousil, Suitcase


Austin Text  Paul Barnes, Commercial Type
Berenjena  Javier Quintana, PampaType
Brando  Mike Abbink, Bold Monday
Custer RE  David Berlow, Font Bureau
DTL Porta  Nikola Djurek, DTL
Dignitas  Christian Schwartz, Dino Sanchez, Schwartzco
Litania  Rui Abreu
Surveyor  Tobias Frere-Jones, H&Co.


Cargan  Dieter Hofrichter, hoftype
FF Franziska (now Franziska)  Jakob Runge, TypeMates
Laski Slab  Paula Mastrangelo, Ramiro Espinoza, ReType
Muriza  Jürgen Schwarz, Jakob Runge, type me!
Pepone  František Štorm, Storm
Produkt  Berton Hasebe, Christian Schwartz, Commercial Type


Bowling Script  Ale Paul, Sudtipos
Courtesy Script  Ale Paul, Sudtipos
Donki  Gunnar Link
Duvall  John Moore
Haltrix  Daniel Sabino, Blackletra
Heroe  Maximiliano Sproviero, Lián Types
Joe182  Jan Horčík, Heavyweight
Love Script  Neil Summerour, Positype
Luxus Brut Sparkling  Roland Hörmann, phospho
Monolina  Petra Dočekalová
Notera  Måns Grebäck, Aring
Rukola  Nikola Giacintová
Sauber Script  Michael Hochleitner, Typejockeys
Seagrass BF  John Bomparte, Bomparte’s Fonts
Suzee FY  Evgeny Tkhorzhevsky, Fontyou
Walmer Marker  Jarno Lukkarila, Pertti Lukkarila, Emma Laiho, Typolar
Wild Pen  Manuel Eduardo Corradine


Algo FY  Michel Derre, Fontyou
Arbotek  José Manuel Urós, Type-Ø-Tones
Big Caslon FB (extension)  Matthew Carter, Font Bureau
Big Moore  Matthew Carter, Font Bureau
Brashy  Rob Keller, Mota Italic
HWT Artz  Erik Spiekermann, P22
Kansas Casual  Kyle Benson
Nihon  Malwin Béla Hürkey, Nihon Typeface
Retiro  Jean François Porchez, Typofonderie
Thema Moderato  Nikola Djurek, Typonine
Tick & Tock  Cyrus Highsmith, Font Bureau
Uomo  Tania Chacana, Miguel Hernández, Latinotype

The Notable Releases asterisk is from Donki.

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