2016 Notable Asterisk: Fino

Typeface Review

Other Notable Releases of 2016

Reviewed by Stephen Coles on July 5, 2017

Thousands of 2016 releases didn’t find their way into this year’s Favorites. Think of this collection as a sort of “editor’s picks” — typefaces that I personally felt were worthy of selection but that didn’t happen to be among the writers’ favorites.

This list gets shorter each year as I try to highlight only the most exemplary and original designs. Dozens of other useful, well-made fonts came out in 2016; this is just one person’s view of the most interesting work.


Dover Robin Mientjes
Trench [MF] Shiva Nalleperumal


Aspen [ID] [MF] Ludwig Übele
GT Eesti [ID] Reto Moser
Retina Tobias Frere-Jones
Tabac Glam [FS] [MF] Tomáš Brousil
Urby [ID] Jakob Runge


Financier [ID] Kris Sowersby
Kopius Sibylle Hagmann
Rando Maurice Göldner
Sole Serif [MF] Luciano Perondi
William [ID] Maria Doreuli (William Caslon)
Vulf Mono James T. Edmondson


XXII CoolScript [MF] Lecter Johnson
Delaney Richard Lipton
Escafina Riley Cran
Skill Maximiliano Sproviero
Spencerio [ID] Jérémie Hornus, Julie Soudanne


Fino [MF] Ermin Međedović
Hangulatin EN [ID] Anita Jürgeleit
Gastromond [MF] James Todd
Gabriela Stencil [ID] Antonio Mejía

Beyond Latin

Suggested by experts in global scripts who contributed to this year’s Favorites.

29LT Adir Arabic Adrien Midzic, Naji El Mir
Begum Devanagari, Tamil Manushi Parikh
Coiny Tamil Marcelo Magalhäes
Fakt Arabic Thomas Thiemich
Fedra Arabic Display Khajag Apelian, Peter Bil’ak, Bahman Eslami, Kristyan Sarkis
29LT Hazal Pascal Zoghbi
Hubballi Kannada Erin McLaughlin
Khetab Arabic Mostafa El Abasiny
Lalezar Arabic Borna Izadpanah
M Ying Hei PRC/HK Chinese
Murty Sanskrit released in 2016 John Hudson, Fiona Ross
Rasa Gujarati Anna Giedryś, David Březina
29LT Ravi Reza Bakhtiarifard
Salish Salishan Aaron Bell
Sharad76 [info] Devanagari Kimya Gandhi
Shrikhand Gujarati Jonny Pinhorn
Symbio Arabic Rui Abreu
Skolar Sans Arabic, PE (Greek, Cyrillic) David Březina, Sláva Jevčinová, Titus Nemeth

The Notable Releases asterisk is from Fino.

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